GVA - Generic VAST Adapter

With the GVA (Generic VAST Adapter), serverside.ai offers a versatile and efficient solution for seamless integration with any VAST-serving ad server. The GVA is designed to be highly configurable, making it adaptable to a wide range of platforms and advertising needs.

Key advantages are:

  1. Simplified Integration: Thanks to its flexibility and configuration options, the GVA simplifies the integration process.

  2. Platform Compatibility: The GVA is designed to work across various platforms, including websites, mobile apps, and OTT (Over-the-Top) services. This ensures a consistent and seamless ad experience for users across different devices.

  3. Optimized Ad Delivery: The GVA enables efficient ad delivery, reducing latency and ensuring that ads are served at the right time. This is crucial for maintaining a positive user experience and maximizing ad revenue.

Technical requirements

  • The AdSever/SSP/DSP should allow server-to-server communication and do not block or filter any request made by Serverside.ai

  • Clarification of the deal types (direct campaigns, realTimeBidding)

  • The request will be made as a HTTP GET or POST on a given VAST-Tag with the required and optional information as query- parameter / header parameter

  • The response should be a VAST 3.x or higher and provide VAST-iab error codes if available

  • The inline video creative must be a video-file a high/highest quality. video: (1920x1080@25fps|h.264 15Mbit or higher), audio: (aac, 48/96 kHz, 128Kbps, single audio track 2.0 stereo, EBU-R128 normalized ) Supported container: .mp4, .mov .mxf, .MPEG

VAST-request requirements

  • parameter for ad campaign fulfillment as query parameter e.g. siteId, channelId

  • parameter for ad campaign fulfillment as header parameter e.g. IP, User-Agent

  • parameter for podding adBreakDuration [seconds, millisecond], maxCount [number], minCount [number]

  • parameter for targeted advertisement gdpr, consent_string, genre

  • parameter created with every request timestamp, cachebuster

  • parameter for resolving VAST-wrapper-tags (including required parameter for sub-wrapper levels)

  • optional parameter for resolving VAST-wrapper-tags (including required parameter for sub-wrapper levels)

  • define which parameter are required and which parameter are optional

  • define which parameter could be static on a channel config or must be dynamically provided with every client-request

  • define which parameter will be provided via header and which are provided as query parameter

VAST-response requirements

  • ad media/creative as VAST inline

  • UniversalAdId, CreativeId or AdId must be present. UniversalAdId preferred

  • VAST tracking/impression/beacons URI


  • Working VAST-Tag with example values/parameters and the targeted region/device for testing purpose

  • Documentation of required and optional parameter (as described above) if available

    • required parameter: typ, format and request style (query, header)

    • required parameter for VAST-wrapper-tags: typ, format and request style (query, header) optional parameter: typ,

      format and request style (query, header)

  • ad.txt and values if required

Last updated