Request SSAI enabled stream
HLS Live
The manifest URL and its parameters have the following schema: https://$DOMAIN/hls/$CHAN_ID/master.m3u8?api-key=$API_KEY&ifa=$IFA&context=$CONTEXT&player_width=$WIDTH&player_height=$HEIGHT®s[gdpr]=$GDPR&user[consent]=$CONSENT
Explanation, the dollar-uppercase strings are placeholders for:
$DOMAIN - self-explanatory
$CHAN_ID - as configured in our channel management tool
$API_KEY - as configured in our channel management tool
$IFA - a unique identifier for each client that is sent to the SSP
$CONTEXT - can be either „web“ or „app“ — without the quotes
$WIDTH - a number for resolution width
$HEIGHT - a number for resolution height
$GDPR - 0 (no) or 1 (yes)
$CONSENT - 0 (no), 1 (yes), 2 (legitimate interest), or Full IAB consent string
To get more information read the manifests-request and ad-server configuration section.
Last updated