
Your System Requirements

Before you incorporate SERVERSIDE.AI into your video business, you should ensure that the following systems, technologies, and device/platform have already been established. While you may be using some of these already for your traditional video advertising, others are unique to SSAI and require additional implementation.

The following systems should already be established:

After you created your company and user in you will get demonstration channels that have the above systems already. You can start this way without having all systems set up in the first place.

Your Requirements Checklist

Whether you are implementing ads for live linear or video on demand, all SSAI solutions require the below. Once these are completed our Account Manager supports your SSAI Channel configuration with you::

In addition, here are the requirements for each specific type: ​Specific live linear requirements

Specific video on demand requirements

Onboarding Checklist

Please review and fill-in this​ ​SSAI Onboarding Checklist​ to be prepared for SERVERSIDE.AI setup process.

Last updated